In managing a project you need to have a good handle on how well the project will perform, how well it is perfomring, and how well it did. VIR is a good tool to evaluate project alternatives. Dynamic budgeting is a good tool for seeing how well you are doing. Comparing your budget to actualls allows you to see how well you did.
These were based on the work of David Espinoza (and others)
Valuation of Energy Projects using DNPV (
As an alternate I have found the VIR (Value/Investment Ratio),
Where VIR can be defined:
In capital intense industries an evaluation method that compares the
return to investment (Value/Investment Ratio (VIR)) is gaining in
popularity. It has gained significant popularity in the
petro-chemical industry. This ratio is sometimes called the Value
Improvement Ratio. (Jonkman)
The VIR is calculated by either of two methods:
VIR = Investment/NPV
VIR = NPV/Investment
Version 2 is more commonly used in industry
The acceptance criteria is:
VIR > 0 :: accept
VIR = 0 :: indifferent
VIR < 0 :: reject
ROI = (benefits - cost) / benefits * 100 percent
The VIR calculation is simpler than either the ROI calculation or
the DCF. It is also reported as a unit less number instead of a
percentage (as the ROI commonly is done) which makes comparisons
simpler. (Akalu)(Jonkman)
Reviews alternative practices for decision making in industry.
Compares discounted cash flow (DCF), return on investment (ROI), and
return on equity (ROE). Presents the value improvement ratio (VIR)
as an alternative to the DCF
Jonkman, R.M., J.N. Breunese, D.T.K. Morgan, J.A. Spencer, E.
Søndenå, 2000, “Spe 65144 Best Practices And Methods In Hydrocarbon
Resource Estimation, Production And Emissions Forecasting,
Uncertainty Evaluation And Decision Making”, SPE European Petroleum
Conference, Paris, France, 24–25
October 2000.
Describes best practices for alternative project evaluation in
the petroleum industry. Contrasts the use of the Value/Investment
Ratio to DCF and NPV. Describes the use of project evaluation
techniques in various industry sectors. Emphasis is on European and
Norwegian companies
In the past, if anyone had asked for a one word describing the
mining industry, that word would probably have been “stable”, yes it
had its swings but generally it was fairly stable.
Not glamourous, but necessary and stable.
Not today, a better word would be “dynamic”.
That’s dynamic in its changing or unpredictable meaning.
One area that this has hit the hardest is in the financial side,
attracting and keeping the capital needed to run or build a mine.
Mining companies are facing significant capital demands at a
time when capital is hard to come by.
Revenue is flat or even decreasing, prices are down and still
falling, and cash flows are weak, which means borrowing stresses the
balance sheet and challenges credit ratings.
Issuing equity dilutes shares, and can cause future problems
in financing.
While this has hit the juniors hard, the majors are also feeling the
pinch, with projects being delayed or cancelled.
Ernest & Young has rated this one of the top dilemmas facing
the mining and metals Industry (Business Risks Facing Mining and
Metals 2013-2014 ranked it first & Business Risks Facing Mining and
Metals 2014-2015 ranked it second).
On mining news sources (, Mineweb, and similar)
this topic is one of the main stories for the last several years.
Combine this with mandatory spending for regulatory and safety
issues, expansion and growth money must be managed carefully. The
good old days of high metal prices and easy capital for funding
projects and even daily expenses appears to be gone.
To have a hope of meeting their capital needs, miners need to get as
much value as possible from every capital dollar invested. Examining
the value of each capital dollar carries short- and long-term
In the short term, it can result in the release of tens of millions
of dollars of trapped capital, allowing utilities to fund projects
that would otherwise be forced to wait. In the long term, companies
can be confident that they’re investing capital in the right way and
getting the most for every capital dollar.
While the variability of the ore has always been with us, variability in costs and revenues is now with us. This means going from a static budget to a dynamic budget and using dynamic planning as a tool.
Tools for Dynamic Forecasting and Budgeting are becoming available
These tools provide a budgeting and planning solution that
enables the management team to communicate to top management and
shareholders the key business drivers that most impact your
company's bottom line.
In another post I discussed the concept of Dynamic Budgeting
(Dynamic Budgeting in Mining (
as a way to allocate capital.
But, to paraphrase von Clauzewtiz, budgeting is simple, but
in budgeting the simplest things become very difficult!
In the mining industry it can become very difficult, but some
companies do manage, even in a down market, to do well.
Ralph Aldous ( portfolio manager with U.S. Global Investors),
in an article in The Gold Report (3/25/15) (1) commented that those
companies that do it well follow used the five principles of capital
allocation as defined Michael Mauboussin (2).
The five principles of capital allocation include:
capital allocation;
strategies, not projects;
no capital
zero tolerance
for bad growth;
know the value
of assets and be prepared to take action.
While directly applicable to companies in production, they also can
be applied to exploration and development phase companies.
Zero-Based Capital Allocation
Many companies budget on an incremental (inertia) basis, if x was
allocated last year will allocate x next year.
Have each division justify their needs for the next budget
cycle. Companies and
divisions need a strategy to determine the proper amount of capital
spending. And in a dynamic
environment this can change year by year (even more quickly
Fund Strategies, Not Projects
It is a common mistake for companies to push a project
forward—particularly if it is its only project—even though it lacks
the potential for great returns. Determine
the corporate strategy and then fund what meets that strategic goal.
In a dynamic environment, a project that looks good today can be bad
tomorrow, consider alternative scenarios before committing.
No Capital Rationing
Zero Tolerance for Bad Growth
Don't throw good money after bad. Not every investment will pay off.
Having a project fail is not a sin, but keeping a project
going long after it has proven of little value is. Mining companies
should always seek to upgrade their portfolios.
In a dynamic environment this can be crucial to survival,
hanging on to a project “just because, maybe” can drain resources
needed elsewhere.
Know the Value of Assets and Be Ready to Take Action to
Create Value
Many in the mining industry don't know the value of their assets.
Companies quote their value based on their resource statements and
then decide to budget on this basis.
In a dynamic environment valuing a company based on what it
would be worth on the market makes more sense.
To sum up, the proper budgeting, especially under dynamic
conditions, is to maximize long-term value per share.
(1) Ralph Aldous interview in The Gold Report (3/25/15)
(2) Capital Allocation: Evidence, Analytical Methods, and Assessment Guidance published by Credit Suisse
40+ years’ experience in the mining industry with strong mineral
processing experience in precious metals, copper, industrial
minerals, coal, and phosphate
Operational experience in precious metals, coal, and phosphate plus
in petrochemicals.
Extensive experience performing studies and determining feasibility
in the US and international (United States, Canada, Mexico, Ecuador,
Columbia, Venezuela, Chile, China, India, Indonesia, and Greece).